Peace and Justice Center of Nevada County

Upcoming Events

11:00 am Weekly Climate Demonstration
Weekly Climate Demonstration
Oct 22 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Weekly climate demonstrations take place in Grass Valley every Tuesday from 11am-12pm. The demonstrations are hosted by volunteers from Sunrise Movement, Extinction Rebellion, and Elders Climate Action and collect signatures for a petition for Grass[...]
4:30 pm Full Circle Demonstration Garden...
Full Circle Demonstration Garden...
Oct 22 @ 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
The Full Circle Demonstration Garden next to the Wayne Brown Correctional Facility at the Nevada County Government Center has weekly garden work days on Tuesdays at 4:30pm. New volunteers are also welcome, and there is[...]
5:30 pm YHRC Kit Packing Parties (weekly)
YHRC Kit Packing Parties (weekly)
Oct 24 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Every week Yuba Harm Reduction Collective hosts a kit packing party to supply the week’s need of kits of testing strips, narcan, smokables, and all other harm reduction supplies needed. These parties last from 5:30-7:30[...]
11:00 am Weekly Climate Demonstration
Weekly Climate Demonstration
Oct 29 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Weekly climate demonstrations take place in Grass Valley every Tuesday from 11am-12pm. The demonstrations are hosted by volunteers from Sunrise Movement, Extinction Rebellion, and Elders Climate Action and collect signatures for a petition for Grass[...]
4:30 pm Full Circle Demonstration Garden...
Full Circle Demonstration Garden...
Oct 29 @ 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
The Full Circle Demonstration Garden next to the Wayne Brown Correctional Facility at the Nevada County Government Center has weekly garden work days on Tuesdays at 4:30pm. New volunteers are also welcome, and there is[...]
5:30 pm YHRC Kit Packing Parties (weekly)
YHRC Kit Packing Parties (weekly)
Oct 31 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Every week Yuba Harm Reduction Collective hosts a kit packing party to supply the week’s need of kits of testing strips, narcan, smokables, and all other harm reduction supplies needed. These parties last from 5:30-7:30[...]
6:30 pm Nevada County Mutual Aid Monthly...
Nevada County Mutual Aid Monthly...
Nov 1 @ 6:30 pm
Every month on the first Friday of each month at 6:30pm at the Madelyn Helling Library community room Nevada County Mutual Aid hosts its monthly community meeting. These meetings discuss projects for the future, recaps[...]
11:00 am Weekly Climate Demonstration
Weekly Climate Demonstration
Nov 5 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Weekly climate demonstrations take place in Grass Valley every Tuesday from 11am-12pm. The demonstrations are hosted by volunteers from Sunrise Movement, Extinction Rebellion, and Elders Climate Action and collect signatures for a petition for Grass[...]
4:30 pm Full Circle Demonstration Garden...
Full Circle Demonstration Garden...
Nov 5 @ 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
The Full Circle Demonstration Garden next to the Wayne Brown Correctional Facility at the Nevada County Government Center has weekly garden work days on Tuesdays at 4:30pm. New volunteers are also welcome, and there is[...]
5:30 pm YHRC Kit Packing Parties (weekly)
YHRC Kit Packing Parties (weekly)
Nov 7 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Every week Yuba Harm Reduction Collective hosts a kit packing party to supply the week’s need of kits of testing strips, narcan, smokables, and all other harm reduction supplies needed. These parties last from 5:30-7:30[...]

No upcoming events

Protect Palestine Action Guide

Ceasefire Haggadah

Join Us This Weekend

Gaza Hospital Update

These Gazan babies had to be removed from incubators because of the siege on fuel for electricity. Five have already died. Our military aid tax dollars at work. Ready to support a cease fire yet, or do you still want to debate the issue?

Give Peace a Song Nov 18th Concert

NEW Give Peace a Song event!
Saturday, November 18, 2-5pm at Seaman’s Lodge in Pioneer Park, Nevada City

Our 20 voice “New Peace Choir” will once again be singing out for peace and justice, along with other musical guests and speakers.

Featuring The New Peace Choir (secular songs of Peace & Hope)
Elena Rayo Trio
Chris Olander, Poet
Nory Fussell & Earbuds
Surprise guests & speakers 

You can optionally RSVP on Facebook, as well as invite others:

Israel’s leaked proposal to evict all Gazans to Egypt

Alternative sources for Palestine-Israel Info

Palestine-Israel News Sources:

Jewish Voice for Peace

Democracy Now     

Code Pink                  

American Friends Service Committee


Common Dreams   

The Gray Zone        

The Intercept                         

Veterens For Peace

Electronic Intifada  

The Chris Hedges Report      

The Real News Network                     

Mint Press News                    


Palestine Portal                                      


The Greater Context of the Genocide in Gaza (youtube)

Gaza Fights for Freedom (Documentary)  (youtube)

Watch Born in Gaza (Netflix required)

Husam Zomlot, Head of the Palestinian Mission to the UK interview 

Democracy Now Interview with Mohammed El-Kurd  

Democracy Now interview with Refaat Alareer

Breakthrough News


The General’s Son      Miko Peled

A Day in the Life of Abed Salama: Anatomy of a Jerusalem Tragedy         Nathan Thrall

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine: Pappe, Ilan

Gaza: An Inquest into its Martyrdom  Norman Finkelstein

The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine    Rashid Khalidi

PJCNC Statement on Israel Gaza war


I learned of the October 7, 2023 atrocities committed by Hamas with much sadness, and feel great empathy for the families that lost loved ones, as a Jew who has worked on a Kibbutz and a humanThe Peace and Justice Center believes that violence creates a spiral that destroys our world and brings suffering to all eventually.

Also as a Jew, I feel great responsibility to tell the rest of the story.  I grew up in a neighborhood of Holocaust survivors and vowed to never remain silent in the midst of a genocide.  I don’t approve of the 75 years of ethnic cleansing and apartheid that has brought us to this sad day, nor do I approve of the vengeful acts against helpless civilians, half of whom are children, in Gaza that are ongoing: no water, no food, no electricity, bombardment of schools, hospitals and houses of worship, and no medical facilities to take injured children to. 

Israel portrays this as a war against Hamas, but most do not know that Hamas was actually supported at its inception by Israel in an attempt to create a fundamentalist Islamic enemy for the secular Palestinian liberation movement, like the US did with the mujahedeen in Afghanistan.  Few also know that despite all the implausible commotion about how unprepared Israel was for the attack, Israel admits that it was warned about the attack by Egypt and other sources.  The right wing government of Israel’s strategy is clearly to eventually annex Gaza and the West Bank occupied territories.  What stops them from doing so is the “demographic problem”.  In other words, there are enough Palestinians in total to outvote Jewish Israelis.  So Israel is trying hard to reduce the Palestinian population by making their lives unlivable in the occupied territories, by expulsion, by violence.  Although we will probably never know for sure, it’s not hard to imagine this government cynically allowing the October 7 security breach in order to create the pretext for emptying Gaza of its 2 million plus Palestinians.

For now, we must advocate for a ceasefire to prevent genocide, and a prohibition on US military aid to Israel .  Subsequently, the blockade must be ended and the apartheid conditions must end.  One major obstacle to this is the outsized power of the Israel lobby in US politics, where groups like AIPAC massively fund primary challenges to any legislators who speak out for Palestinian rights.  Israel’s policies do not make Israelis safer.  A negotiated settlement is the only path to safety.

Jeffrey Gottesman

Give Peace a Song

SUNDAY, November 5, 4:30 pm – Wild Eye Pub, 535 Mill Street, Grass Valley, CA

Due to a last minute change this event will now be at the above time and location. We apologize for the inconvenience.

We are happy to announce the Peace Center of Nevada County will be hosting two events coming up this November! Our 20 voice “New Peace Choir” will be singing out for peace and justice on November 5 at Wild Eye Pub, starting at 4:30pm. Along with the choir we’ll have Chris Olander, NC Poet Laureate delivering us some of his powerful poetry, the Earbuds with Nory Fussell and Bob Polucha, and other surprise guests and speakers. We have invited many of our local social justice groups to join us and promote their message with materials and handouts.

Admission is $5.00 per person, or $10.00 per family and that will get you in to enjoy an afternoon of inspiring music and spoken word. Please join us!

Our second event takes place November 18 at the Seaman’s Lodge in Nevada City. We are thrilled to have Elena Rayo (wife of the late Saul Rayo) join us. – more details to follow.

Remember Us?

The Peace and Justice Center of Nevada County is an “umbrella” 501c3 non-profit organization which provides educational and other social justice programs to the public, and we also sponsor other local activist groups that speak out for racial justice, raise awareness of climate change and promoting peace in our country and around the globe. Founded by local folk hero and peace activist, Bruce “Utah” Phillips some 20 years ago, we’ve been going strong for these many years holding protests, street actions, rallies and marches. We presented political and activist films for over 10 years. We are currently reaching out to the younger generations for new members to join our Board. We feel the need to pass the torch to the youth to carry on the important work of raising awareness and developing new approaches to peace and social justice issues, including environmental issues and climate change. Please contact us at if you or your group may be interested in joining the leadership of the Peace Center. We have non-profit status, and we have insurance to cover your activities.