121 Bank Street
Grass Valley
CA 95945
Federal Review Process starts NOW. There are 45 days for comment period. It is up to concerned citizens to take action adn tell NID and the US Army Corps of Engineers what they are most concerned about. Submitting letters or speaking out at the public scoping meetings is the official way to be heard on the record and have standing.
This is a public scoping meeting. Held from 4:40 pm to 7:00 pm at the Holiday Inn Express and Suites in Grass Valley.
Public comment letters are due on or before Monday, April 10, 2017 to:
US Army Corps of Engineers, 1325 J Street, Room 1350, Sacramento, CA 95814
Via email to: CESPKCentennialReser@usace.army.mil
NOTE: FOR EMAILED COMMENTS PLEASE INCLUDE “NOI scoping for Proposed Centennial Reservoir Project EIS, SPK-2016-00030” in the subject line.